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Mary Kennedy-Bracken
Turn Your Passion Into Profit, Inc.

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Since 1990, designed specifically for individuals who seek to enhance their speaking capabilities.

How well do you know yourself?


Turn Your Passion into Profit (TYPP) is a comprehensive communications workshop that helps you discover your “Real Life’s Passions” by uncovering who you really are and using that discovery to build effective communication abilities. We help you find those hidden parts of yourself, elevate your self-awareness and learn group-awareness while developing professional communication skills.

Program One

Did you know that sometimes your body speaks louder than your words?

Acquire effective communication skills through daily dialogue.

  • Build your self-confidence while keeping the focus on others

  • Learn how to trust yourself around others to make a real difference

  • Discover how to use your words appropriately and keep everyone’s attention

  • Improve your vocabulary to enrich your dialogue without losing your audience

  • Become aware of your body language and how it affects others


Program Two
Did you know that it is just as important HOW you say something as it is WHAT you say?

Learn how to organize your thoughts before you speak.

  • Understand how to convey effective communication without losing your self-image

  • Acquire skills to express your message clearly with all audiences

  • Master the secrets of how to be heard correctly and get your point across


Program Three

Did you know that the key to great communication with self and others is PASSION of faith and knowledge?

Understand how effective your communication is with others.

  • Appreciate what it means to understand and master every environment’s vocabulary

  • Learn how to speak like a person in control of their world vision with little effort.

  • Become aware of your world environment and change your world impact on others

Let Mary's expertise take you to the next level ...



As the first CEO of the Lathrop District Chamber of Commerce and Founder of the nation’s first Youth Chamber of Commerce, Mary Kennedy has first-hand experience about how important it is to live your passion and help others become the best they can be.



Mary Kennedy has been speaking professionally since 1989. Ms. Kennedy’s professional affiliations include memberships in such organizations as Toastmasters, and B.A.S.S. (Bay Area Speakers Service).  She served as the Area Governor for Toastmasters in the Tri-City Area, and President and Board Member of the N.C.A.B.P. (National California Association of Black Professionals).



As a member of Toastmasters, she has competed in Club, Area, and Division and District levels of competition and is the recipient of several awards. Mary has been endorsed by Author Dennis Kimbro and Les Brown as a strong Motivational Speaker. Mary also provides consultation services on a one-on-one and group basis.     


Mary Kennedy as a motivational and keynote speaker has spoken for numerous organizations, including schools, churches and seminars on a variety of multi-cultural topics. Ms. Kennedy was also a producer and talk show host of TYPP, which aired on a local television network. Interviewing interesting and a sophisticated array of people on topics evolving around public speaking and public affairs. She has received prestigious awards such as: Business of Excellence, Woman of The Year for the state of California and honored in the Library of Congress for Outstanding Professional.


Ms. Kennedy captivates her audience by her intense and profound concerns for public and human issues. Mary Kennedy can make a difference in your life by inspiring and motivating you or your organization to meet your goals for the future. Mary Kennedy believes in Les Brown’s philosophy



“Reach for the moon, because if you don’t make it at least you land upon the stars.” 

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